1. I am totally constipated while on Keto (really bad). When I go off Keto and have some sugar, sweets, not just a bit of sugar, the problem goes away. Go figure.
    All my life I have been constipated so I can not figure it out.

  2. Mel Robbins-(You tube )speaks about the 1-2-3 principle. It works to blitz procrastination! Congratulations on your recipe book, how Fantastic! 🤗👍🏻

  3. I have been doing keto since August and I love it. I have a lot of health problems and I feel the best I have ever felt. However I am viewing it as my new lifestyle and so I am occasionally going to eat some cake and enjoy myself as a treat. Last week I had a spa day with afternoon tea that had been planned for months and so I didn’t go overboard but I enjoyed it. The next day I got a cold and was ill for days! Could be coincidence but every time I have eaten something non keto I have felt lousy.

  4. Went off of Keto for the holidays…just didn't go back because I didn't realize how much I benefitted from it…lately I have felt like crap and could not understand why (brain fog, duh!)… started back today…Literally…1,2,3, GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. I think you guys are so amazing. I think I need to do ket o because I have come to realize that weight watchers isn't working for me and because I believe I am entering menopause symptoms boo.😊

  6. The thing with my past high carb way of eating is I never felt satisfied and satiated after I ate, my husband even said recently after eating a lot of garlic breadsticks that he still felt hungry and kind of empty. I totally get why you paused and I'm proud of you that you got back on the keto train. Good for you!

  7. I'm on disability and toward the end of the month I don't eat "Keto friendly" meals all the time because I ran out of money. But then on the 3rd I start back again and I don't have the keto flu. I first started maybe back in March I put on FB omg The Keto Flu is real lol.

  8. This is exactly how my brain works. My brain thinks food is comfort, but it refuses to recognize that the food I'm jamming in is NOT making me comfortable. Instead, it just keeps yelling for more, more more. It never learns. EXCEPT on Keto. It's the first time in my life that that insane voice stays silent most of the time. Keto gives me the control I've never had.

    As soon as I started eating a bite of carbs here and there, at first it was okay and I was fine/keto the rest of the day. But after a couple of weeks the voice came back. I started packing lunches for work that were just too much food, probably planning on needing to compensate for stress.Then I'd come home and be full already, but scrounge around for more food. I HATE not having control. Back to keto.

  9. No shame, we all have free will and sometimes in the face of danger it comprises your choices. Anxiety totally gets me all the time. I will overeat “ keto” friendly food whenever I get stressed, so hang in there. Food has always been my drug of choice.

  10. OMG, I can so relate to the doom of the days before a hurricane. I live in Louisiana and have had damage from Rita & Ike years ago. I've been going through a super stressful time right now because my daughter is giving birth to a baby girl who has a complex heart condition. She's in Houston at Texas Children's but lives in New Orleans (I'm in Baton Rouge). I've made a couple of trips to Houston and then just spent the last few days caring for my other grandchildren in New Orleans (me and other grandma are splitting duties there while mom & dad are in Houston waiting for baby). Anyway….that was a very long explanation to say that it's been a real struggle to stay on plan. I've done pretty well but last night my granddaughter wanted Chick fil a and I caved and ate a chicken sandwich, a few fries and exactly 3 bites of mac n cheese. Today I feel like crap. I am exhausted, I have a zit on my face, and my joints hurt. Considering all that we are doing right now my energy level has been great until today. I haven't been keto for very long so I can't speak to how to get back on after going off for a week. Today I didn't eat anything off plan but I wanted to eat all day. Weird how just one meal can throw you off so bad.

  11. When I typed in Keto on YT, and you were the first person who popped up, and I watched your video where you explained your mindset of saying “I don’t eat…” instead of “I can’t eat…”

    It’s too much for me to say I don’t eat this forever, but that day was 137 days from Christmas. I spent one week prepping, and then I said,
    “I eat Keto for the next 130 days. I don’t eat non-keto foods between now and Christmas. Then I will analyze and decide what happens next.”

    I evacuated to Disney for this potentially life threatening storm, and what you taught me about this mindset really gave me the strength to keep my head straight.

    I haven’t had the mental experience in ketosis you have- my urges to overeat haven’t gone away at all, so this was so helpful.

    It’s so early into my journey to deal with an evacuation, a hotel “vacation”, the storm stress. And your mentality helped me get through it, so thank you friend 💗.

  12. Everything you said, down to the hurricane jitters is exactly how I felt, how I acted & how I ate…your thoughts & reflections mirror mine 100%. thanks for the real & honest talk. it's nice to know that someone else "gets" me & what I am thinking and going through. Back to keto, back to feeling better & most importantly, back to pooping regular, LOL! xo

  13. Keto is a way of life/eating is what we always say. This means if you eat keto long term there will be moments you go off keto either by choice or not. What makes it a way of life is that we return to it after the initial dizzying euphoria of all that cake or whatever. We feel like crap and realise that that pleasure is short lasting and go back to our regular way of eating. So blessed to have the choice and tools to get back into ketosis.

  14. I am largely keto and have lost over 100lbs eating this way but I do take breaks occasionally. I recently ate anything and everything I wanted for over a week and really enjoyed myself. Carbs do make me happy! I have however gained a few pounds and feel tired and unmotivated. My skin is spotty and I can't stop thinking about cake but I will be fine in about 4 days. I used to beat myself up when I took a break but I've learned not to do that anymore. I will forever take breaks when I really feel the need but will always return to keto. If I gain some weight I know I can easily lose it again. Life is for living!

  15. I stopped keto when I was going to Europe for 4 months because I wanted to eat everything! When I started again I got the keto flu pretty bad even though I was drinking Gatorade zero. But anytime I’d have a cheat day or two before that I was fine to get right back into ketosis.

  16. Honesty honesty honesty I love it you are so real to the core. I swear I feel like I'm sitting right next to you listening and writing down notes. I have learned so much from you I can't thank you enough. Yes I will continue to listen to you too.

  17. I'm a type 2, working very hard to control my sugar, I have it pretty well under control with strict keto, very little cheating (if you call salad/asparagus/dairy) cheating…..I do occasionally get halo icecream. I'm going to Vegas to visit my daugheter for 4 days, staying in hotel. I will take extra test strips, insulin, and protein bars, as I don't want to cheat to terrible, but I know I will have to pay an arm and a leg to buy a nice steak for dinner every day. Therefore, I plan on cheating with more salads, probably some french fries with breadless hamburgers, some breakfast buffets (no bread) and lots of meat when I can find it. I will act like a type 1 diabetic, check my sugars before and after meals, 2 hour after meals, and closely watch that my sugar doesn't get too high, as I get horrible inflammation in my back and legs, and I want to be able to walk around. Will I have some cake or a cookie? Probably, havn't had that stuff in a year, but I don't plan on cheating for the holidays, so I am going to give myself a break in Vegas. Have a plan, prepare for every option, and have fun, life is short. I don't want to go blind, lose my feet, or have crippling arthritis, but I want to enjoy my life also, so yes, I may have a dessert or two.

  18. I wholeheartedly agree with everything you said! I also eat my feelings but had never heard anyone put it that way. It makes so much sense. I recently went off plan after 18months of keto. I ended up getting very sick. My stomach hurt so bad. I threw up repeatedly for several hours. Could have been food poisoning too but either way it was a hard lesson learned. I just can't go back to the SAD diet. I mainly use keto substitutes for the things I miss. I know some people can't do that but it works for me. I'm so thankful I can still make desserts even though they are keto desserts. Thanks for always keeping things real and sharing your journey!

  19. I too almost got hit with Doian in Florida. I went off for two days. Iam back in ketosis but feel tired! I went up like 7 pounds over night(pizza) in two days that was gone. Iam so glad we dodged a big bullet! Keto on!!❤

  20. So real as usual. This channel an important to you I guess, maybe your job, but don’t forget….we are not really real. You talk to us and we respond sometimes, but we don’t matter much. Those around you matter. Don’t place so much value on comments of us ghosts. LOL. Take good care. Love who you are.

  21. I live in tornado alley Oklahoma I do know people who have been effected by Katrina & Harvey… due to major medical issues my docs have suggested low carb/keto not for “weight loss” but for my conditions & yes the added bonus of weight loss, I’m just restarting after 3+yrs… as I was organizing my pantry I ate a cookie I also ate an ice cream sandwich so no shamming from me oh btw I found you from Lauren Brazee’s community list so it was awesome seeing on her vlog… have you tried something called a chaffle??? Just wondering if they’re good

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