1. While you're here, please consider subscribing to my channel and watching some of the guitar and music I play. Thanks for watching, I appreciate you! Good luck on your fitness and personal journeys, I'm with you! – Will

  2. Really glad I re-listened to Rhonda Patrick. I suck on tea all day long so all this time it hasn’t been time restricted eating. Just forgot. Probably selective memory.

  3. First off…no shit. Secondly, metabolisms are like snowflakes. You fucking idiot. I felt compelled to write more but I really don’t think it’s necessary.

  4. Reading the comments, it shows how closed-minded people are about things they have never tried and know little about… "try telling your Grandma"… yeah who says what your Grandma was doing was right haha! People are stuck in their ways. Yeah humans aren't mice but regarding shared genes, we actually shared 99% with rats and we share 97.5% working DNA with rats and mice, so think twice before you automatically dismiss those studies. A wise person would be open-minded to the fact that those studies COULD extrapolate to humans but be cognisant of the fact that there could still be significant differences. A foolish person, on the other hand, would completely dismiss what Dr. Rhonda said about enzyme activity working properly over a 12-hour period and the muscle-gaining and endurance benefits she mentioned..Those meds you take any time you get sick were all based on animal studies too. It's your body, do your research wisely. Always question everything, not just relatively "novel" ideas like this, but also the things you've been taught from authority, parents, school etc. and things you've always believed. Then you can make properly informed decisions,

  5. Jason Fung doesn’t agree with you Rhonda and I’d say he’s a bit more educated on this. You might be physiologically similar to a mice
    most ppl are not 👀

  6. Maybe I’m missing something but IF seems very easy and not doing much for me. If you typically eat lunch @ 12 and dinner @ 6, all you have to do is skip breakfast which I rarely ate anyways. Not seeing any kind of benefits. People who do see benefits typically mention also cutting out carbs and sugar and steady workout routine. So how much of it is IF and how much is your good diet and exercise? Obviously much more benefit coming from diet and exercise than just skipping breakfast…

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