1. You are a beautiful teacher of yoga. Such clarity in your instruction and gentleness in your demeanor. Truly felt the healing power of yoga today. Thank you so much. Savannah.

  2. New video added to my list, I recently started enjoying your wonderful classes and your amazing spirit, but yet I find you a bit fast to be honest 🙂

  3. Dear Savannah, I am a 53-year-old man. Even though I am pretty fit and not overweight, I have always been extremely inflexible, so I have finally decided to try and do something about it and have decided to use your "beginners' sequence" for my daily morning workout. Thank you so much for your beautiful and instructive video.

  4. After being ill for 4 years now (severe recurrant breast abcess) 2 big surgeries and the prospect of more with no end in sight other than mastectomy i decided to take maters into my own hands. I stopped smoking after 24 years started taking garlic tablets cut out sugar bread and potatoes and took up yoga and meditation with yogatx. After 2 months i feel like a new person. I dont know what did it most likely the stopping smoking but i like to think everything played its part. Yogatx helped me change my mind body and soul. I have been on antibiotics at least 2 times a month for around 2 years i am now on my 30th day infection free which doesnt sound much but honestly it realy is. Fingers crossed i am finaly on the road to recovery and yogatx has helped me so much. Thankyou thankyou thankyou. Amazing. Love to you all xxx

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