1. I live in Quebec, Canada. It's winter time here, it gets -30 daily most of the time. This is when i don't take my daily walks outside for months, it's too hard, i can't breathe, it hurts my chest. Now, i've found you and i can just replay it again if i want to. I'm not doing it all like you, i just feel anxious when my heart beats too fast ( creates panic attacks….) so i just walk with you, do the side steps, work my arms, and i feel warm and good. I don't need to loose weight or anything but just to find a way to stay active during the season. You're gonna help me a great deal! Cheers to my first winter with Leslie!

  2. I I love your YouTube videos. They're so invigorating. Charlie the guy with the gray t-shirt and gray and orange shorts is awesome. I've seen him and they odor videos and he definitely has lost a lot of weight he is so motivating and always has a smile on his face love your show!

  3. I enjoy watching your videos I have a question for you I am 67 last two years I’ve had a total knee replacement in a total hip replacement I walk well I don’t lift my leg very high on and I definitely can’t get down to the ground and get up by myself yet so any suggestions

  4. 📲*00212.679.620.248* *whatapps*📲
    سـمـعـت🧏‍♂️ كـثـيـر مــن الـشـبـاب يــبــحــثــون عــن طـريـقـة فــعــالــة✅ لــتــكــبــيــر الــقــضــيــب
    وأنــا أبــشــركــم😉 أنـي حــصــلــت عــلــى الــطــريــقــة الأصــح👍 والــمــنــاســبــة👍 وهـتـشـكـرنـي بــعــديــهــا
    تــواصــل مــعــي وأنـا بــشــرح لــك ســر الـوصـفـة📲*00212679620248* *whatapps*📲

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