1. 1. The Smith or Hack Squat….Dorian Yates may disagree with you.
    The fixed 2D plane allows a greater focus on the working muscles, especially muscles that are
    pre exhausted.
    2. Box jumps are an excellent and safe body weight plyometric accessory movement.
    3. Kipping pull ups…wtf would anyone want to perform this exercise? CrossTwat is petitioning to become an O sport, let us hope this never, ever, happens.
    4. Stability Ball. A piece of plastic from China filled with hot air.
    Who would have thought that without this shiny round thing, no one you know would have made any progress.
    5. Nuff Said.

  2. man if people watched athlean x videos more they'd stop giving recommendations on doing these exercises it's shocking how a lot of the fitness youtubers are still recommending these exercises without even explaining the risk or rewards that come with it most of them are unfit to be talking and giving people fitness advice.

  3. The point of box jumps is to create power. It's a great exercise when coached correctly. Obviously with sedentary adults, they should be progressed in a correct way to do them. They're not a bad exercise, they're just done poorly by the vast majority of people because they don't have good coaches.

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