1. It would be nice to make a 12 minutes video with no talking , just your full workout.
    We could play it over and over and work with you by following your exact moves & timing .
    I really liked this. Thanks

  2. After a few years of paying the gym without going regularly ( I am 40, orthopedic surgeon, 2 girls ) I decided to start workout at home cause it is much easier. Your workout is amazing it helps a lot getting back to exercising. Thank you for being an inspiration!

  3. Hi Molly! I'm going to be a mommy at 44!! I am a bit paranoid as I didn't expect to get pregnant again nor at this age! .I wonder if you could post a video of yours telling us a bit about your pregnancies..I know that on your last one, you were 44 !I would love to hear what kind of care you took about yourself during your pregnant time ( food and so on) and after it. Thanks so much Molly , you're an inspiration for all the late Moms ! Greetings from Europe!

  4. This is great Molly! Personally I would like more fitness/health centered videos. I subscribed from watching your recipe videos long ago. What are your personal thoughts? You workout only 4 days a week are you eating very healthy small portions, no carbs, vegetarian? Any extra advice would help!

  5. Love this. You look so amazing. I'd love to hear about your diet as well. I've had kids I am in m 40's and nothing is as easy to maintain as it once was. =). The inspiration is awesome. Thank you.

  6. Note to the folks that plan on doing this work out. 
    A great modification for the leg drops is just not to drop your legs as low. You want to make sure your low back and tail bone stay planted into the floor when the legs are at the lowest position. If you find that your torso or hips rock back and forth (like in this video) then that means the core is not fully engaged/or strong enough to stabilize your body during that movement. But no worries! As you get stronger you'll be able to drop those legs lower

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