1. I'm 43 an god your on point , my shoulders are always aching , my elbow is an arsehole from time to time too lol .. Also the wife ain't happy because I went out for bread an milk last week an came home with a cr250 motocross bike Hahahaha Fck getting old I'm living the dream haha

  2. Good advice as always , I can honestly say Gary is up there with the best ! I have learned so much from you and everything that you have shared I have put into practice and its working 100% , good sounds advice without all the BS , please keep up your wonderful work here Gary …

  3. LOL! Over 65, worjk out very very smart ir you will injure yourself.. I do warm up, I like your Metta Workout and I usually always di push ups and pull ups. Great advice!~ As always!~

  4. The Hip issue he is 100% accurate about especially my hip but every so often I need to test my strength on bench shoulders leg press, DB Rows and it hasnt really effected me.

  5. If you don't warm up properly you will pull your sciatic nerve out of place. I can testify to that. Worked out for 6 months and one Sunday worked out and bam, Im down for at least 2 to 3 weeks. Bummer.

  6. It's only as you get older do you realise what you should have being doing for all those years and that is training with controlled weights at a controlled rep speed. It's a shame that this wisdom only comes with age.

  7. I'm 42 years old and ur right. I recently hurt my left shoulder, but it only hurts when I do shoulder press. And just yesterday I couldn't even lift a 25 pound dumbbell and then I tried a 15 pound dumbbell and still couldn't lift it, so I did shoulder presses with the band so that felt a little better. What would u recommend I do to get my shoulder better. I have been icing it for a week now and putting icy hot and taking ibuprofen. I really want this pain to go away. 😕

  8. The hardest thing for us older gym rats is to realize we cannot do what we used to do! You hit the nail on the head! Our worse enemy is our ego as we get older, slow down, good form, lighter weight and keep at it. Sixty nine years old and still in the gym going strong!

  9. Everything you said is a 100% true and I'm a 100% proof of it. Lol
    Sucks learning the hard way but hopefully you saved some other people that pain with this video.

  10. I am 60, I've beatin' diabetes and been drug free and sugar free from 2016. I've just started to do gym work at home using dumbbells and resistance bands and I do my routine as follows:
    Upper body 30 minutes a day slow quality reps especially on the negatives.
    Legs & Calfs
    I drink 4 raw farm fresh eggs each day in a homemade protein shake right after a workout and an all greens drink before bed to push back estrogen.
    At my age I'm trying hard to increase Testosterone and decrease estrogen. Though I am now lean and no fat (thanks to giving up sugar and junk food), I still want to get that testosterone level up again. I know it can be done so any suggestions would be appreciated.

  11. Short & Sweet and to the point.
    I always warm up before I do my work sets; but I don't do too many warm up sets as they quite often either tire me out, or deflate my strength. So quite often I will only do 1 or 2 warm up sets before doing my work sets.

    I guess I need to get in better shape.

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