1. "Now don't get lazy because it's the second set."

    It's like you KNOW me. I feel attacked.😂😂

    Seriously though; actually excited to do this in the morning. (That excitement will likely shift to a litany of swear words by the time I'm at the end)

  2. Thank you Maddie for your ab workouts! I´m doing your ab workouts each day for 2 weeks so far and I definetely see a difference in the amount of fat on my belly and my belly looks tighter. I´m going to do these workouts each day for a month. 😊 💪

  3. Thankyou so much for uploading new workouts. There are lots of abdominal workouts but urs is the best and I havebeen following ever since. It really worked for me. What I like most, is that there r always new videos that keeps me motivated. Thankyou once again for this wonderful job and making us healthy. Hopefully, by the end of this year, I might come out with those 6pack ab😉

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