1. Uff this was burnner !!!!Thanks Gymra and Christine.My teenager son asked me if iwas going to turn our living room into a pool becouse i was sweatting buckets over here.☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆

  2. Good 30-min-workout. I exercise regularly and this was tough. I like the 30 secs for each move. It sets up the right expectation. The instructor cues well. I also appreciate the 30 secs of rest between each circuit. Much needed. And she uses the rest time to explain what is coming up next which means we don't lose so much time listening and can make the most out of the actual exercise. The only thing is that this is not a full body workout for me. My arms and abs do not feel challenged, if at all. My legs are worked out, my heart rate certainly goes up and I feel hot. I would retitle this to be something like cardio leg sculpting workout with some abs and arms. It is a good workout, something different to throw in for a change during the weekly routine exercises. Thank you.

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