1. I liked this one a lot. Just enough to work/stretch everything out and almost sweat after a few days off, but not enough to get tired or want to stop. I'll feel it tomorrow.

  2. Thanks for another workout Sean! Love what you bring to the table, however I wish you would leave out pop culture references and too much about yourself. It's very distracting to the flow and takes me out of the experience when you mention your moon walk, the bear you saw in the woods, funny sounds, or even singing One Day More (previous vid). Your workout, friendly voice and outdoor atmosphere are the selling points. Thanks again for the workouts.

  3. This is a fantastic flow. Loved it. I’d say it’s beginner for power yoga but intermediate if you’re coming from other vinyasa. Great way to start the morning. Love it!

  4. Excellent flow. Really enjoy doing these power yoga flows a minimum of once a week. Great channel and always leaves me feeling so chilled, loose and ready for anything

  5. Nice! Good workout, appreciated the pretty view. I would love to see a HASfit style yoga workout, without counting reps, and a co-host doing the easier variations. Will check out Coach V's channel, for sure.

  6. Sumptuous scenery. Luscious lighting. Pleasing poses. Wondrous wobbles. Amazing alignments. Invigorating insights. Gorgeous guy. Delightfully delicious! Coach Vigue's a bear ❤️

  7. In the next video would you be able to just explain where we should or shouldn't feel stretching in different positions. I never know if im doing someting right :p

  8. From the Litchfield Hills in CT! A bit more than I could handle, but jeez, I did it and feel great…. Great work, good fun, and wow, it's over! All the best Coach V!

  9. Just getting a chance to do this today, and I knew most of it would feel good, I say most because I had sudden hip surgery in late June to fix a stress fracture in the head of my femur that had become a lot worse than I thought it was, and some of those poses I was not quite ready for yet. Such as the tree to crouching tree, but I did try, and it reminded me that there is now a nail in my right hip. I have been keeping up with my yoga and can now do some of the power yoga routines (modified, but still…), have been surprising a lot of people who expect me to be a lot more limited than I am, and stuff. (LOL) By the way, I am in quaint old New England, and this afternoon I have a lovely view of a tree chipper.

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