1. Thanks for posting Mr. Alex Costa it's a great information but I'm only afraid of metrosexual & doing facial , sexually I'm strong as a horse, I don't feel sorry when I'm right , I do apologise when I'm not but not to a stranger so far I was not rejected it's always a Yes for me.✌👏👏👏👏👏👏

  2. You missed

    1. Lying about your packages 📦
    2. Lying about sexual prowess.
    3. Lying about Erectile dysfunction, why they chose to be single and focusing on themselves, lol.
    4. Men lie about being scared.
    5. Men lie about the number of partners they have.
    6. Men lie about their vulnerability, they’re afraid of showing their emotions.

  3. I’m 22 and stopped chasing girls and put my focus on my school and career and it has done wonders , also a girl either likes you or she doesn’t , no need for all the insecurities

  4. As a guy i dont like asking dudes for advice cause you ask for advice on 1 thing and they automatically act like know-it-alls and label you as LESS than them.

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