1. As someone previously mentioned, this is not HIIT – High Intensity Interval Training. There are no intervals in this workout and not one of those guys are going at a High Intensity. When HIIT is done properly it can only be done for about 15 – 20 seconds max and you’ll need a long recovery period. However long it takes so you can go at 100% in the next round 👍🏻

  2. HIIT means high intensity INTERVAL training and interval means you gotta take rest between each exercises so technically this isnt HIIT that is my reason why i disliked this guy dosent know what HIIT is

  3. I really enjoyed this work out but I strained the right side of my abdomen/back while doing the superman exercise. It's been a week and it still hurts. What should I do? And is there a modified version for the spideman exericise to prevent further strain on the side of my abdomen/back?

  4. I wasn't annoyed while doing this workout. I feel like most video's I participate in I am highly annoyed of the trainer. Such as saunT.. I feel that he was just as affective as the annoying trainers.

  5. Huge fan since years ago… but I prefer the others where I don't feel some of the exercises are rushed. Every time he says"15-seconds," it was more like5 seconds.
    Still a huge fan though!!!

  6. this was a good workout. i used to do insanity for almost 2 years, stopped for 1 year and went back home where comfort food destroyed any and all evidence of Shaun T. getting back into it i didnt want to do a workout too soft but also not ready for insanity just yet but this was a perfect compromise! and i cant wait to try BEfit's max cardio!! i enjoy that i can watch the full programs on youtube since my accountability partner and i do workouts via webcam!!
    keep the videos coming!

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