1. One night I dreamed a dream.

    As I was walking along the beach with my Lord.

    Across the dark sky flashed scenes from my life.

    For each scene, I noticed two sets of footprints in the sand,

    One belonging to me and one to my Lord.

    After the last scene of my life flashed before me,

    I looked back at the footprints in the sand.

    I noticed that at many times along the path of my life,

    especially at the very lowest and saddest times,

    there was only one set of footprints.

    This really troubled me, so I asked the Lord about it.

    "Lord, you said once I decided to follow you,

    You'd walk with me all the way.

    But I noticed that during the saddest and most troublesome times of my life,

    there was only one set of footprints.

    I don't understand why, when I needed You the most, You would leave me."

    He whispered, "My precious child, I love you and will never leave you

    Never, ever, during your trials and testings.

    When you saw only one set of footprints,

    It was then that I carried you."

  2. Took a screenshot of your tasty entrée 🙂
    You're getting those endorphins and serotonin levels raised with working out, like a good natural drug😆
    Got the bpa free Tupperware set
    Breakfast is important.
    Worms are delicious for eguana's also crickets lol
    Cheat days make me successful, boosts the metabolism…
    Doing good Nick, warm thoughts and hugs 💙💚💛💜

  3. Hi great advice & thanks for sharing.  I have been in extreme pain for going on 30 years now was on 75 mg Fentanyl Patches,  Now on all supplements, Serrapeptase  which due to the extent and placement of internal scar tissue that is being removed from my body which is the only Healing Improvements I got, some from Turmeric,  the Serrapeptase can cause more pain as it seperates the scar tissue that dose not stretch like muscle you will need to let your muscles strengthen and also things moving around or pressure removed causes more pain, so if you in pain and take it, know to be cautious so you don't re-injure yourself, it takes time but you can get better. Have you tried Apple Cider Vinegar to help with weight loss? Have you been Baptized, Full Body Submersion? If Not I recommend, it helps to have the Holy Spirit dwelling within you as well as guiding your Theology/Doctrine. Read Revelation the church is apostate for the most part so if your doctrine is mainstream, chances are your being lead astray in some Key Area that limits the Holy Spirit or your growth or can, may not. My Advice from yeshua/Jesus himself is to Pray to Yeshua's/Jesus's Father & Ours if we have been baptized into the Kingdom Family, in the Name of the Father Yahweh some use other spellings or pronunciation & the Son Yeshua/Jesus. Speaking in Tongues is a Real Language and we not to do it as Paul says, unless someone can Interpret our speech. If your speak many languages some are more natural or more poetic so a person may tend to use on over the other in some circumstances, which can be considered rude as the others who do not understand do know what your saying, you could be criticizing them like some people do, or worse. And Always Remember that All Things work to the Good of those who Love God & are called according to His Purposes and to the Glory of the Father & Son not our glory. It doesn't say except for when we messed up or what ever the case, ALL THINGS so Never Give Up!!!!!!! Shalom

  4. I will stick to swimmig and squat thrust. 😁😁😁 I have videos of me swimming at some swim meets on my you tube. I am helping a homeless area in Ithaca Ny😁😁 I am getting ready collecting donation then go and make my first trip💟💟💟💟 I hope to do allot for them. I have to wait and see how it goes💟💟💟 I lost!!!!!! 😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲 a half a pound!!!😭😭😭😭😭….. I think after I became 50 years old I cant loose any.😲😲😲 the dinasore😁😁😁😁😁😍😍😍😍😍 Were is Justice and Max? My tootsie and Frisca let me sleep in today. Shocked!!!!😁😁😁😁🐱🐱 awww hes so cute!!! Have a nice day!!!!!💟💟💟💟

  5. I agree with what you said about what they put in food. I don't know what they are putting in it, but I know it's not good. You are doing great my friend.
    My daughter told her husband to get help, but sadly to say this is not the first time she has told him that. She is too passive just like me, I am her mother.
    God bless you friend!

  6. It is SO exciting to see you doing so well. It also so great to see MORE subs every time I come on!! I think a cheat day works best when I used tham as a celebration; I had something I absolutely LOVED every time I hit a marker. Sometimes it wasn't even food. it would be something like a facial or a new piece of clothes. Everyone, EVERYONE needs to celebrate their successes!
    I don't know if those hornworms are like the tomato hornworms we take off our plants but if they are, talk to your ORGANIC gardener friends! They'll GIVE them to you! They are awful things! They can decimate an entire planting of tomatoes. We lost a TON, literally, of tomatoes because of hose things. Again, make sure the garden is organic. The pesticides used by both farmers and gardeners alike are so horrible for everything. My husband's a Master Organic Gardener through the Cooperative Extension here in the Finger Lakes Region in Western NY and it's really sad how little folks understand exactly what is being used on their food!

  7. Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ which strengthen me.

    Hi matey, another great video, you look really well and sound very happy to 😊 Ooo pasta again, your portions are great. If I was doing it, I would forget the veggies, chicken and just have pasta, that’s where I’m going wrong 😋

  8. 👍🙌❤️ Way to go!! 👏 Congratulations on your weight loss, new channel and your being a positive influence on (who knows it could be 10 or maybe 1 million one day) many people. 😊
    I am a new subscriber to this channel, but have been subscribed to your other channel "Signs & Wonders," for a long time now and I just love it and the awesome work you do on and for it! Thank you. ✝️❤️
    I think it is amazing & so brave what you're doing and look forward to many more vlogs and your journey. I know you can do this and see it through to the awesome end; which it will actually be a lifestyle change and never have an ending! 😉
    When I have more time, I will share some of my struggles I'm also "obese" (as you've said about yourself) and a believer in the most High God❣️
    Have a great weekend and may God continue to bless you through this journey! ✝️

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