1. I can also speak to the hard drug thing, God didn't make those things… people took things God made and have applied chemistry to create ultra-addictive things out of them. This is the "sorcery" God warns about repeatedly in Scripture. The greek word for sorcery is "pharmakeia" and it's obvious which words we derive from that one: pharmacy, pharmaceutical etc.
    I got addicted to cocaine and meth in the 90's and it persisted for years. I couldn't and didn't want to break away from it. I thought these things were my friends at first, but when I started hearing voices that were constantly planning to kill me… I wanted out.
     There was no out for me! I felt powerless over it and even though I had been saved and had believed since 1990 it still seemed like it was hopeless. It was my own lack of faith that was my lesson out of all of that. After overdosing more than a few times and being on the streets and in jail every year it seemed, it all got too much. I lost my mind and almost swam out into the middle of the river among other ideas I had. I thought people were after me that didn't even exist, but I could hear their voices and the dark demonic things they were going to do to me before they killed me but none of it was real.
    The only reason I lived is because God wanted me alive. There's nothing like the realization "hey I'm that nasty junkie hiding behind the dumpster" to make a person feel unwanted in live.
     Let me tell any and all of you… don't ever feel like you're unwanted. Jesus wants you, and died so He could offer you what He has for you: the best of everything. That's what he wants… the best for you. I don't mean material stuff and I don't mean the best food or a nice house but if you want to see the world for what it is, and get off the hard stuff, He will show you amazing things you could not possibly describe. The freedom of the mind and power over one's own heart and strength to resist the wiley snares of the dark side. THAT is power! THAT is strength!
    I might smoke a little too much weed these days and swear up a storm sometimes, but I belong to God and there is nothing on this earth that can pluck me from His hand. Now that I'm wise to the sorcery, I stay away from it because it never did have any actual power over me, except that which I gave it.

  2. You need to take a day off to recover.
    Will stoke your metabolism and your muscles will thank you for it.
    Its a new chapter for you Nick 📖 'a new healthy drug'
    It's mind blowing how much weight you've lost in a short time!
    Have a blessed weekend…👍💙💚💛💜

  3. Keep at it brother. Don't give yourself any excuses. Walk around the neighborhood even if you are tired. If possible, get a treadmill and just get on it daily in fast walk while watching TV or something. Really helped me. Making excuses is my worse weight loss enemy. I hate just running or walking. Anything monotonous so I had to pray for honesty and persistence. So far so good!

  4. You have such a beautiful soul Nick. Keep doing what you're doing. More often than not, we lead by example. Even when we stumble. Showing others how to get back up, dust yourself off and keep going forward can be so much more important. People fail, not because they WANT to or because they are weak. They fail because they stumble and don't know how to stand up and keep on going. Keep up the FANTASTIC job! YAY! more subs today!!
    Much love and God Bless!

  5. Goodmorning. I have two cars that love getting wirked on😂😂😂😁😁 Todays little work day. Did all thst stuff yesturday😁😁 Sabath day. Relaxe❤❤❤ I follow you as a friend😁😁😍😍 Im helping the homeless starting Nov. Collecting warm things❤❤❤ I hope to reach out to them and help them.❤❤ I love all I dont love what some do. I try to help. 😁😁😍😍 Im still chunky but trying😁😁😁😋😋😋 How did you do cleani g standing in front of the mirroe?😲😲😲😲😲😊😊😁😁😁😂😂😂😂 have a nice day😍😍

  6. Colossians 1:14. In whom we have redemption through his blood, even the forgiveness of sins:

    It doesn’t matter what you have done in the past Nick, we have all done bad things in the sight of the Lord. You are a new person now, ask Jesus for help when you need it and give thanks always. God bless x

  7. Hey Nick. Still very proud of you! Unfortunately I'm not doing as well as you. I got diagnosed with severe Psoriatic arthritis. The Dr put me on chemotherapy and yep, you guessed it, pain meds. Now what do I do? Your still a great inspiration. Lots of love and God bless. Angi

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