1. Such a positive outlook! Exercise makes happy endorphins
    I have one piece of dark chocolate every day, low in carbs and sugar
    You're motivating me, thank you Nick! ☺

  2. I am going to throw this out there.you have to turn every single thing that you buy around in the grocery store and to look at the ingredients everything is made to look like eye candy they will make it look healthy they will even claim that it is healthy on their labels.so just make sure you turn everything around before you buy it and read the ingredients.

  3. Proverbs 17:22 A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.

    Well don’t Nick, looking and sounding good matey. It’s great you showing your friends. I love pasta, but my portions are way to big. I definitely need to starting weighing what I’m gonna be eating. God bless x

  4. Body needs some calories. Worried your not etting enough nutrition😓. I cant loose weight😓. Im gonna fast but only one day. Off to swim practice… I stay possitive because JESUS is with me❤❤❤. Have a great day GOD BLESS❤❤.

  5. woot that's almost half my body bro… from over here that's more than amazing. I'm amazed any of us are alive at all, copies of copies of copies all the way back to the 8 on the ark. it's mind blowing there are 4 main blood types and 4 "races" as a result from that. Also, as a result, it's a wasteland to choose food from. So many things must be missing from our intended original (pre-flood) diets that we're left with a variety of fake foods and stunted fruits and vegetables plus the need to eat meat (or substitutes).
    Couple that with an atmosphere which is half the intended pressure and 2/3 of the required oxygen, and we don't tend to do so well physically. Our systems are weak and not at full capability.

  6. By the way, the lowest pasta is 'spaghetti squash'. Some cannot get past the fact it is not pasta, but it is similar. Every now and then have it and overcome the conditioning of actual pasta mind. Many find it just as good right off the bat with a great pasta sauce. Just thinking out loud. Looking forward to the share tomorrow.

  7. Okay, I have a question. Are you taking any type of nutritional supplement with a plant based non gmo protein? I only ask because when you take in that few calories and protein, your body will start to take from your muscles and bones for it's nutritional requirements for the organs to function. You lose weight of course, as it is the bodies way. It does burn the fat cells, but the organs are another story. Brain fog can set in as well. People tend to get hurt more doing normal things. It is of concern only is why I ask.
    There are many powdered formulas out there and low calories are a major concern, especially when dealing with protein supplements. Are you in a wintry area?
    There are also teas. If there is anyway I can help, just mention. Encouragement comes in many forms, but hey, you're doing great and your determination is outstanding!

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