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  2. I never excercise before and i was exercised follow this video until 4:00 when i change position my stomachs was very hurt like a twist and my body was bend. How should i do. Vould you please suggest me. Thank you in advance.

  3. Thanks alot I really love you workout and like the way you emphasize us to be strong and not give up . Every time I think of giving up I remember you said we have to be consistent in order to get excellent work out results. So inspiring

  4. My second day nd my tummy is hurting like hell,while doing this

    On 3rd day I can't even do first round,should I don't do this until my pain subsides?

  5. Alr im gonna try ti di these every day
    Day 1:eh honestly wasent that bad i did sweat and was pretty sore
    Day 2:ok ok getting kinda used to it still sweating
    Day 3:

  6. Alright! Starting Monday! Keep you all updated! (If I don’t my ringtone is up all the way so yell at me if I don’t keep updated)
    Week 1:
    Week 2:

  7. I’m gonna try to keep y’all updated I’m gonna be doing this till school starts and don’t get mad if I forget to update and no I’m not gone lie on my results I will start tm

  8. Hello Everyone.
    I will be doing this two times a day 5 rounds each. I will be updating this until my school starts. Not taking any breaks in my schedule for this. any motivation would be appreciated. have a good night/day.
    Day 1- Feels good about it and a little dizzy.

  9. Hiiiii my name is mariam and I’m 12 years old. I’m currently at 151.8 pounds. And my goal is to reach 120 pound within the end of summer.

    Day 1: sweating but feel amazing. 😀

    Day 2: I ate pretty healthy today and it’s getting easier and I’m a little sore in my abs.

    Day 3: i’m sweating a lot right now, i’m very tired, i feel amazing and i it’s getting easier everyday !

    (UPDATE) I lost 1 pound !

    Day 4: sweating and i added a bit more at the end i did 5 push ups just bc i had a lot of energy and felt good about myself! doing better everyday 💞

    Day 5: i just got my period and i’ve been still doing good i added stuff to the workout and i feel again amazing! sweating and i now memorized the workout !

    Day 6: feeling amazing but i unfortunately got my period but still going to reach my goal

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