1. Estoy aprendiendo a nadar, por mi problema de columna me lo recomendaron, pero el profesor nunca nos hace ejercicios y veo que es muy importante. Estoy a gusto con encontrarme un canal así, espero mejorar la técnica poco a poco. Saludos.

  2. Grazie coach!!
    I really have to do stretching, very nice video and well explained….👍🏽👍🏽
    I ll try to start a routine..
    Ciao…love your channel bravi..
    The Swiss swimmer 🇨🇭🇨🇭

  3. تبون تعرفوا على برنامجنا الإنتخابي بالصوت والصورة مرشحي العدالة الاجتماعية التي ارعبت اليهود والنصارى وجميع انواع الرياضات الا فهمتها ..

  4. Estoy mejorando el estilo, y miro muchos vídeos y tengo contradicciones, muchos dicen que la patada va cruzada, y usted dice que va con la misma brazada, cuál es la correcta? Ya no sé qué hacer

  5. The best way to improve your swimming times is to set aside time to work on your technique. Our swimming camp is designed to do just that. And it's not for professional swimmers! Mainly for beginners. In those small groups is where we truly use all of our skills and talents to help you swim faster and smoother, giving you specific advice that only you can use. To find out more click here: https://skillswimming.com/swimming-camp/

  6. Previous video made me speed up to 1:40/100m pace from 1:55/100m in two weeks, this is crazy! I was seeking for a home training routine to improve technique and mobility and like if you could read my mind this video is uploaded. The thing is that you have a very logical and intelligent way of explaining the most basic and fundamental aspects. Keep it up!

  7. Amazing…absolutely AMAZING! Boy, after watching this I now know I've got a lots of stretching to do. Plus, the exercises you give are excellent.
    I'm being very serious, I've never seen such shoulder mobility…even your hands are stretched & mobile.
    Great video!

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