1. I did I.F. My metabolism slowed, I was weak, my stress increased, & I believe my testosterone decreased, which is a fat-burning hormone also. If you're going to do fasting, I'd say skip I.F. Go straight to hard-core prolonged fasting. After 5 days of pure water (or snake-juice) fasting, you won't even be hungry. Just don't listen to that false persuasion of loading yourself with reserves before starting, like eating all this bacon, etc.. Fasting actually gets easier when you're body depletes itself of all the stuff. Currently, I'm experimenting with 3 meals per day again to test how my metabolism (with extreme speed training – running with weighted vest, etc.) will increase again. Afterwards, I might consider doing fasting again, but not I.F.. I.F. is more like a diet than fasting. Diets usually just make you fatter.

  2. I don’t own a scale and in the last 7 months I have drop 2 dress sizes. My clothes fit much better my waist line is way smaller and my face is skinnier. Recently used work scales and I was surprised to see that nothing had changed in terms of weight since my last weigh in which had been 3 months ago. I quickly ignored that tbh coz my mirror and clothes are saying a completely different story. Moral of the story “DON’T make the scale your bff”😁

  3. Hi, I’m worried . I was born full term during due date but I was only 4 pounds. I’m 19 rn and my height is 4’9 . I weigh 180😭😭😭😭 I’m trying omad + keto starting next week when I go to grocery shopping . How much should I lose and is being born that small and weighing this much that dangerous. I’ve taken many blood tests like usual and my results are good no bad news of any sort . I thank god for this .

  4. Very informative video – great advice. I felt I was making little progress with resistance training until my coach suggested I take images. I felt the changes to my body shape were very subtle but images taken 8 months apart show that the changes are actually very significant.
    Keep up the great work!

  5. I've been on a caloric deficit, ketogenic, Omad diet for 2 months now, I've lost more than 30 lbs, but i'm still showing high ketone levels in my urine, does this mean I'm not fat adapted yet?

  6. I need to listen to you and not worry about 1-2 pds on the scale. It is true that it does negatively effect me if it went up or I just did not lose. So, I think I will stick to once a month weigh. I just know I feel pretty lean right now and after I fast I feel so tight and lean in the tummy. I feel good! Thank you for this video!

  7. Preach on Edward!!!! So many people loose muscle and keep going don't stop and adjust because we have been told the key to weight loss success is in the scale even though they are getting skinny fat and tend to not look as healthy.

  8. Thank you for this video: this makes sense. I'm 62, starting week six of keto and, after an initial 12 pound loss, I've decided to ditch the scale and concentrate on how my clothes are getting looser. Today, I'm giving IF a try (watching your video while putting on my mascara instead of sipping my coffee with heavy cream, haha!) After your video, it's time to shift my focus from numbers to the lifelong journey instead.

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