1. Maximum Overload for Cyclists! That's pretty much all you need — that and a Trainer to prepare you for it. Once you have it down you can do it on your own.

  2. Wow, that was quite good. Using body weight to promote strength and endurance specifically for cycling, these exercises really reveal my weak areas. Looking forward to my favorite hill after a few days of this. Thanks.

  3. I normally ride between 100-150 miles a week. I just did my first Century ride last Sunday, after riding for the last 15 months. I had done several 60 and one 70 mile rides in previous months. I did the first 71 miles in about 3:35, which I thought wasn't a bad time. I was feeling ok until about 4.5 hours into the ride, but I had a really hard time holding my head up the last hour. I had to "Froome" it most of the rest of the way. Has anyone else had this problem? Any exercises recommended for strengthening the neck muscles? I never had this issue before, but I also never rode over 5 hours before.

  4. Couple of things GCN. How often do you recommend doing these exercises? Every day? And, should this be done on top of your regular cycling or instead of for the odd day? Thanks.

  5. Expert…????
    Those are single leg squat thrusts, not mountain climbers. Poor technique.
    GCN if you want an expert drop me a line.
    Keep knee behind the toe!!!!!!!! What century is this workout from???? Oh Ffs…. Crunches????
    As I said drop me a line.

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