1. Thank Goooooooood I was able to find Gilad again, I use to workout in the morning with Gilad 20+ years ago and stayed in great shape. I was praying I could find some of his videos and then this!!!!! Thank you thank you. Back on track and I was surprised that I kept up with the entire workout. lookout Beach here I come.

  2. I did Bodies in Motion everyday in my early 20s…now I’m in my early 50s and still love the workouts, I can still do them! I’ve never looked and felt better thanks to Gilad♥️♥️♥️

  3. I also used to do Bodies in Motion with Gilad when it aired on FITTV and then poof, the show was no longer airing! I searched and searched and I am ecstatic to find him on YouTube. His program helped me out a lot back then and now that I've found you again Gilad, I am ready to workout!!!

  4. Like a lot of ppl here Gilad was a big influencer on my fitness in my teenage years. I recently turned 23 and haven’t been exercising for a while now; but this morning I got up and just said “I’m going to do this!!” Who better to get me back into working out than Gilad?

  5. So glad I found you. Your show helped me take of 25 lbs in high school. The doctor said my cholesterol was getting high & lose weight because of birth control. Thank you!

  6. Can't believe I have been sad that I can't play the old VHS tapes that I recorded from ESPN and purchased from you! You are right here on YouTube. I used to fast forward through the commercials in between the workouts! I also loved watching mom and sister working out in the videos. My daughter has been working out to your videos with me since she was 3. They are so much fun and work out the whole body! Plus you can do them anytime in only 30 minutes. Gilad, you look great! I've never been to Hawaii but imagined I was there working out with you. The ship workout was awesome too! Remember Puppy? The older women that you brought up to the front during one of your beach workouts. She was motivating.

  7. Simply the best I've been working out with you now for 35 years I've been watching you since you was on ESPN my daughter's now is 36 years old you kept me in town and kept this body looking like 20 years younger for years and when I fall off I can always come back to you and get right back in shape so so old school the so affected and so the best school thank you

  8. What Gilad is still around ? I used to do his workouts on ESPN as a teen. Thanks for shaping my body! I am now in my 40's and still look like my body is 20.

  9. Thanks for a video seniors can keep up with. Most of the other videos are way too fast and hard. I am 70 years old and need to keep in at least some kind of shape. Thanks Gilda!

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