1. Usually people who have loose skin have lost over 100 lbs. You probably won't have loose skin with just 70 lbs and doing it over 2 years is slow enough to give your skin a chance to adjust.

  2. hey, thank you so much for this video.
    I'm 17 and I have 80 pounds to lose. I'm terrified of loose skin, but I have decided to lose this weight over a period of two years, do strength training, + and skin brushing and everything else you mentioned in this video :). I know everybody has a different body so my body might not respond well, but I'm trying to do everything in my power to make those odds less.

  3. I think the problem is most people don't get that, if you take two years to lose 70 pounds your skin has enough times to tighten. If you take 6 months to lose 70 lbs + no additional Aid of course you're going to have loose skin. I lost hundred pounds in 10 month yet I was young and only did cardio and spax with a tightening cream in order to not have loose skin. You have to factor your age, your skin elasticity, how much weight you are now, what you want to lose and how quickly you're going to lose it. That should tell you how much loose skin you're really going to have. Another example someone who is 350 lb who had bypass surgery + lose a hundred 150 lb in 8 months = loose skin. Of course this is for the people who worry about loose skin most people who lose weight are just happy they can lose the weight in order to live a long life.

  4. Hi beautiful. Thank you for your video and inspiration. Unfortunately I lost a small amount of weight fairly quickly due to stress. So I have a lot of loose skin. If I increase muscle mass will the loose skin decrease? Thank you.

  5. At 15 I was 352lbs and went from living with my dad the food horder to live with my mom who was vegan & I got so active I was in young marines, cheerleading & dance & it was fast, but I lost over 170lbs in 8 months with no loose skin because I was so young & active every single day because even without all that we went on hikes. Now at 31 I almost got 300 & I've lost 30lbs hoping I have no loose skin because I have never had stretch marks thankfully, but will see. 😊🤨

  6. How slow is slow weight loss? I don't diet extreme but I can lose a kilo a week when I am really active. I need to lose 30 kilo's I already lost 12 in 3 months is that too fast?

  7. I totally agree with her. I’ve been 70-90kg up and down for 15yrs. Twice lost weight for events and hit 60kg in 3-6 months and yes there was loose skin. Then got pregnant and was 104kg now I’m 88kg. Doing the keto diet and I’m doing it slowly with a lost of 5kg a month to prevent lose skin and for the skin to get all the nutrition from food. This time I want to hit 55kg and keep it here maintaining it, I’m 4.11 height so my frame is small.

  8. Thanks for sharing the importance of slowing down the weight loss…..when you lose weight quickly, your liver releases extra cholesterol into the bile and higher risk of gallstones. More prevalent in females. THE WORST PAIN EVER! Slow down, let your body adjust …plus slow weight loss has BEST chance to keep it off permanently!

  9. I generally agree that losing weight slowly is best, particularly for keeping it off long-term. However, there are people who have serious weight-related health issues that makes it imperative for them to lose weight quickly.

  10. I have about 70pounds to loose and from what iv worked out it should take about 8-10 months is that to quick??? I’m do cardio everyday and walk my dog and eat within my calories, I’m loosing about 1kg a week , is that okay ???

  11. I appreciate the ideas you're sharing but there is a lot more to it. You can prevent lose skin by inciting autophagy through intermittent fasting. 60 lbs down, kept it off for months, no lose skin so far…. Still have more weight to lose but just so you know there are other ways to make this happen.

  12. It's fine doing a water fast. The skin will go back to normal in a few months, basically the time it would have taken to lose it the "normal way". One thing at a time. My advice is to wait a year. If you still see absolutely no improvement, then maybe consider other measures. Also there are people who lost weight the normal way and still have tons of lose skin. So you're generalizing. Just because you didn't get any doesn't mean others won't.

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