1. Hormonal balance for better body fat distribution can be a big game changer too. Cortisol, testosterone, estrogen, and insulin all play vital role in visceral fat deposition or lipolysis.
    Keep your stress low, get enough sleep, drink enough water, eat your fiber, and consider taking something like maca root.

  2. Winstrol depot and clenbuterol.or you are supper skinny and take small amounts of roids. And then add some vaser high def liposuction. AND remember these guys dieted and dehydrated for this video.

  3. I have an idea dont eat fast foods haha. I have a six pack and looks pretty ripped. All i do is 20mins sit ups or 1000 situps i dont count but its seems more than 1000 situps. Do this everyday and watch your abs look like rocks

  4. So annoyed when youtube suggests Nippard. Ol'science denying Nippard who just cherry picks studies to fit his world view. This guy is a very flawed person to take advice from. Check out his views on dairy for a real laugh.

  5. I recommend drawing your pubic bone to your sternum as well as squeezing the glutes to achieve the posterior pelvic tilt. It's should look like the opposite of the booty pop

  6. As a physician, I can say that your research and deduction are on par with meta analyses in medical literature. This channel is so far superior to similar YouTube channels, it isn't even funny.

  7. I'm about 175cm/5.8ft, 166lbs/75kgs, 25% BF. Lower belly not good. Trying to enter a daily deficit of about 500 calories, by doing keto + OMaD + 1 HIIT session + 5 sets of push ups + 5 sets of different abs exercises, everyday 6 days a week. How long you think till I get to 15% BF? What do you think of dry fasting btw?

  8. 2:45 with all due respect to Dr Brett Whatshisname, if a woman is concerned with her physique or being more fit, I recommend they ask that woman on the video because whatever the heck she's doing is working!!

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