1. A couple of years back, I got fed up with my weight struggles and made an appointment with NJDiet. (I’m a mom of 9, eat relatively clean, exercise regularly, but especially after my youngest 2 were born, have not been successful at meeting my weight goal) Anyway, this program was ‘guaranteeing’ a weight loss of 20-40 pounds in 30 days!! I went to a free consultation and discovered that the program was not within my budget— Feeling somewhat hopeless and desperate, I still considered it until I read all the fine details: I wasn’t allowed to wear makeup or lotion before texting a photo to my— idk what they call it— my personal NJD weight loss guide— I would have to wear gloves to prepare my family’s food, because oils, etc, from their food might get absorbed into my skin. I really felt this was nonsense, but even more, I felt this was a scam. I could go on their plan, pay beyond my means, not lose the weight, & then when asking for my money back (“guaranteed”) be told something like, “Well, did you touch your kids’ food?? Did you apply a lipstick or use a shampoo without consulting with us?” And thereby not get my money back. So, I decided against the plan.
    Just curious to know if you have ever researched it because I couldn’t find many details online. (Despite still not being at my weight goal, I do believe my decision was the correct one. Claims of that rapid weight loss do not sound right )

  2. I would love to know more about the inflamed stomach because I unfortunately have that…

    Your before and after pictures are awesome! Thank you for keeping us inform!

  3. Today Snapchat had an article about how you cannot be obese and fit. I thought it was interesting if you want to check it out. It is on the discover page under “will it kill me”

  4. Edit : like Goblin mentioned down in comments, please do a cosplay with this hair /suggestion :* Starfire* from teen titans
    For a second I thought you're actually doing it *insert galdos voice * FOR SCIENCE * but ofc not, that's just ugh nope. This channel is just great and the creator is the greatest. Keep blazingggggggg

  5. You might want to talk about cutting with female bodybuilders.
    How they induce sweat in order to loose some sweat fore the fight.
    And how this have a negetive impact on the body.

    Most do not know about this in how profecional fighters loose some weight and the negetive impact.

    If a woman is not in good health, it has a mayor impact on here fertilety.
    How the female profecionals are fighting, can reduse the chanses fore that lady to get pregnant when she wants to get pregnant.
    Just like when sombody is obeese or has anorexia….
    That chreats chaos in the body.

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