1. Im here cause I bought a pair of gymshark flex leggings that reminded me of how big my love handles are ! And I thought I was seen results after hard 3 months of gymming thought wrong thanks gymshark for reminding me .

  2. rocking pulldown with full shoulder extension and humeral adduction helps me hit my lower lats so good at first ur weaker when u flex ur arm so tha the bar goes low enough on your chest for your elbow to go low enough but if u get it right it works so goo

  3. I’m quite surprised you didn’t put more emphasis on abs being mostly dietary

    I know people don’t train at the level of competing bodybuilders but most of them would agree that working abs too much makes you look visually too thick

  4. I eat extremely clean, I am actually in a slight deficit daily, I'm a hundred and seventy pounds I get over 170 grams of protein per day, I work out the right way, do plenty of resistance training. I do intense ab exercises, stomach vacuums, and I still have love handles, you can definitely see my abs and everything else, but I'm just sick of the layer of fat that's over my abs and it's so ridiculously stubborn. It's complete bull s***. I've been on the same routine for months and notice very little difference in love handles.

  5. Jeff deserves the money YouTube gives him. I am not sure I could have accelerated my training without athleanx videos. I watched some other videos before and was doing ok, but since subscribing to this channel, the gains has accelerated.

  6. Hey Jeff, I have a friend I workout with and he just had a spinal fusion a few months back so at the moment abs and obliques aren’t really doable for him but as time goes on what works out would he be able to do to work on abs and obliques but not hurt his back? Thanks for the awesome content you are by far the best!

  7. What do pigs do to get rid of love handles I been going HAM in the gym but still no results I plan to go to shoprite tomorrow for plastic surgery tomorrow they say it's for free

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