1. Does this work for the armpit area too?
    I’ve been doing this for about 4-5wks and you can see a big difference but I want to lose more fat from the armpit area 😢

  2. I always do this 2 times and love it. I started with 1,2, and 3 pound weights and am working my way up to heavier and heavier weights. With my body type I need more strength training to help me lose weight and not muscle. Thanks ladies. SIDE NOTE: I have a daughter named Anna.

  3. Just completed two sets of this arm workout be a girl at my gym had amazing guns today and swore by this and the strapless arm workout…here's to summer around the corner!

  4. Several months now and I continue to do this workout! I'm in a wheelchair! So, if I can do it, so can you! This is an awesome workout for your arms! I can see definition where I didn't have it before!

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