1. I sincerely hope you'd see this and reply:-) I wonder what program you use to create all these videos? so many great animations combined with your footage. I don't think it's premiere pro or final cut,right? Thanks a lot.

  2. I lost 3 kg in just 15-20 days using your guides and gained much muscle than ever. I just figured out that I barely hit my daily protein requirement before and that's one major reason that I didn't grow muscle.

    Also, it's legit that protein rich food will keep you full, and the real key to weight and fat loss is maintaining that calorie deficiency.

    You are just awesome. Thanks for bringing this to youtube.

  3. I've been experiencing a lot of positive effects from cutting carbos out of my diet. I have more energy, I'm more mentally active, my sleep is significantly better(around 6 hours sleep and wake up easily when I used to drag myself out of bed in agonising discomfort). The only downside I had is when I poop and that I'm weker lifting weights, but that was just before I added eggs to the diet(I was eating only meat)

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