1. I don’t have access to a bi cable row how can I do it with out it. I’ve also got banged up shoulder can I fix this without surgery

  2. Hey john I enjoy watching all your videos I’ve been a long time fan, you are doing an amazing job giving all these great bodybuilding tips, thanks big John

  3. These guys have absolutely 100% perfect form
    Love it when people like John workout correctly and actually explains every single bit you need to know to hit this workout.
    John if your reading this thank you.

    I have been struggling with rear delts for a while and cant wait to try these exercises

  4. I just had pancakes and found this vid lol I decided to take my free weights and test these movements and my delts are on fire with just a few of flys and side lats turns out you're a pretty smart dude😏

  5. The rear delt exercises were HARD !!!! Low weights even at that. But I could feel such a burn. Got up to 15 reps had to sacrifice a bit of form for the last 3 . I watch all your vids on my phone in the gym in between sets to make sure I’m doing the right thing

  6. You ARE the guru! You and greg doucette are my go to every morning in the gym when I need new inspiration. I went from 289lbs April 2018 to 225lbs right now, after injuries and ditching weightlifting to be an injured lazy bastard. Trying to get down to 200lbs in Jan Feb.

  7. I completely agree with John about reverse flyes. Some people don't think they work because they don't concentrate on the muscles being used, and therefore don't feel any activation. I still think it's the best exercise for rear delts, and you don't need to go super heavy to work them well.

  8. In a push/pull/leg routine should rear delts be done on the push day or pull? Can you do like a face pulss on push day and reverse flies amd a few other rear delt exercises on pull days?

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