1. Thank you for this wonderful workout! I am committed to getting stornger this year after having surgery. Being over 50 doesn't mean I cannot be healthy & fit. You are inspirational! Thank you for being a fitness guide for me! Love these workouts. ❤️

  2. Thank you for your video! You are easy to look at and nice on the ears! I am 64 and need to tone up. You make it look so easy and most of all you are encouraging to us older ladies. 💜

  3. I am quite worried just noticed that my Left side of back body drooped including my left face, body until lower back. I have yet to have any symptoms of Stroke except the physical changes. I move around as a normal person and still speaks well. I am a Diabetic patient, including Blood pressure and Osteoathritis. Body's aching all over for past years. Does massage and exercise give great alternative for physical improvements? Thank you.

  4. Love your video and enjoy watching and learning different things from you . Thank you. Also I noticed the bridge behind you it is the sister bridge to our bridge in Bayonne, NJ.

  5. Brilliant as always I have used your other workout 🏋️‍♀️ for arms and tummy
    Found you a couple of months ago and just love u 🙅‍♀️🙅‍♀️
    And hi Australia for n Ireland 🍀🍀

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