1. Hello everyone! This lovely little gem is great first thing in the morning or helpful when you just need to move, but can’t commit to a lot. What is something else you do to start your day off on the right foot?

  2. Ok I am a dude ,and I think this yoga ,is wonderful and healthy ….but I find myself wondering why suddenly there are all these goofs who call yoga , Satanic …..how do people come up with this crap , I say yoga away ,to me it's healthy

  3. Such an amazing set for the morning quick and somewhat easy- Adrienne i thank you so much for all you do you’ve helped me pull myself out of a depression after two horrible car accidents and i am still recovering but the pain is less and less the more i watch and follow along with your videos

  4. This is one of my all-time favorite yoga videos. It’s my go-to in the morning when I’m short on time. Love that I can fit an intensely focused core-waking-up and spirit-waking-up practice into just 10 minutes! Thank you, Adriene.

  5. Hi Adrienne I practice this workout every morning……love it….was wondering would you do a morning workout where you hold each move for 8 to 12 breaths……I’m pausing for each move so I can do that…..would love one say a half hour long with more time for breathing 🙏❤️

  6. This routine is combined in my mind with ease and relaxation and happiness so I always come back to it when I need to feel this way! Lots of love to you, Adriene! <3

  7. WOW the flow in this routine is amazing!!! i had so much fun following along and it was a nice yoga challenge to keep my eyes closed and follow only verbal directions 🥳 so happy to find this routine thank you !!!🙏🏾❤️ ☮️

  8. Thanks a lot for this yoga session! It really helped me to start my day with a clear mind! I do have 1 question. Whenever I am in childs pose it is not comfortable for me to breathe when i have my forehead on the mat because my nose gets "squeezed". Is it okay to have my chin on the mat? That way I also feel a deeper stretch or should I look to one side?

  9. Love YWA!! Please keep the various sessions coming (for AM, PM, digestion, bad knee, shoulders, etc, etc). I’ve been doing YWA for years! Love your calming presence and varied offerings depending on injuries or mindset or personal conditions…

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