1. Too many haters Jacob, wonderful set up and results even though for completely honest disclosure i missed one weeks workouts due to extreme back pain and despite getting the tailor made meal plan i only did a heavy keto diet with the sourdough pizza additions so I'm certain my caloric totals were higher than those of the custom meal plan. With that in mind i have gone from 210 lbs to currently 193 and still dropping. This is the end of week 5. I am delighted with the results. After a keto break i will return to it once more in about 2-3 weeks. Pics to follow, 2" off waist. Thank you very much for making it so easy. Side note I can now do a minimum of 5 dead hang Pull ups too, am totally stoked and will be slinging a 12-16 kg kettkebell for my negatives tomorrow.

  2. I lost over 90 lbs and got a flat stomach by doing nothing but eating healthy and sticking to a caloric deficit with a cheat day a week. I went with the old fashion protein, vegetables, whole grains route. Never exercised and it took only 15 months to get from 286 lbs to 190 lbs. my protein mainly consisted of fish but also ate a steak or 2 every week. I also ate 1-2 peanut butter sandwich a day.

    Will-power. Was my only secret.

  3. Well.. you do have to be in a calorie deficit to burn fat. There are various ways you can enhance your body's ability to burn/target fat but ultimately there is no way in the seventh circle of hell that you can lose significant amounts of fat without maintaining a caloric deficit. It really isn't rocket science, track your macros, stay hydrated, get enough quality sleep, eat clean, stay in a deficit, make sure you are getting enough protine to maintain lean muscle mass, consider things like keto or intermittent fasting to help your body target fat more efficiently, make sure your training plan incorporates weight training as well forms of cardio that YOU will/can perform consistantly, consider HIIT for cardio (if you think you can stick with it and keep doing it week after week), STAY CONSISTENT with your eating habits and training and most important of all realize that staying fit (especially staying ripped) is a LIFESTYLE change and not a "diet" where you lose some weight and then go back to eating crap and being lazy expecting to keep the weight off.

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