1. You are amazing, Breanna! I am continually impressed by your dedication to this vlog and your health! Thank you for being entertaining and informative. I love watching you.
    PS – My hubby and I got married in Minnesota (but lived in Las Vegas….we have lots of family in MN). We walked the tightrope at the top of MoA two days before the wedding! Enjoy. Minnesota is lovely and so are you!

  2. I love the mall of America. I have not been there in a while but would love to. I love going to malls and just walk around and look at things if nothing else. Now I am hungry from looking at your food. Next time I think I will get a snack before I start watching videos involving food lol

  3. Green juice: coarsely chop 2 zucchini, 1 head celery, one lb fresh green beans, and one full bunch of cilantro and/or parsley. All organic of course. Cover with water and simmer for thirty minutes. Blend in blender and freeze in one cup packages. I add one of these to my lunch everyday. I drink it cold but you can heat it like soup as well. Acupuncturist says it’s a liver, spleen, pancreas cleanser. Lots of fiber and use whatever seasoning to taste.

  4. Just started following you on here and Facebook (I know your mother-in-law and she shared one of your videos!) Loving your approach- it’s very similar to what I’m trying to do.

  5. I like to melt PB in the microwave then stir it into my cottage cheese! That triple zero gives me some terrible tummy distress from the inulin. You don't have problems with it? I think it bothers me the way erythritol bothers you.

  6. So, while you ate your breakfast, afternoon snack, dinner, and dessert I was eating my breakfast, lunch, dinner, and dessert (pretty much at the exact same time haha)

    Beakfast: Toasted ham and smoked cheddar sandwich with creamy honey mustard sauce (honey, dijon mustard, mayo) with a side of carrots & hummus, pickles, and apple straws

    Lunch (Meal prepped): Lemon Feta Chicken Drumsticks, spinach, brown rice with butter, and roasted mini bell peppers

    Dinner (Meal prepped): Whole wheat pasta with white beans, arugula, spinach, grape tomatoes, parmesan, lemon juice/zest, broccolini, and green beans cooked in chicken bone broth

    Dessert: A Betty Crocker rainbow chip mug cake dessert

    And purple is an ok color (*Ignores the box of purple yarn and purple blankets piled on bed*) hahha

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