1. Lol when you added all the egg I was like everyone will tell her why it is not working out but I make all kind of chaffles dessert ones and ones like bread it is alot of great recipes check out this lady called Okketoh she makes alot of different kind

  2. Thanks for sharing !💗🙏🏼 what exactly is in the lowfat granola? I'm not keto but I am eating a low carb,sugar free lifestyle so I'm interested. Do you happen to have a video on the 90 second bread that you can share?

  3. I was going to say you’re only supposed to use 1/2 an egg per Chaffle, but I see others have already told ya! You can make both sweet and savory Chaffles …there are tons of different recipes for both. Good luck with your thyroid test!

  4. I have Graves' disease. I thought I was going through the change. Symptoms mirrored one another. Went to a new doctor. His wife had just been diagnosed with Graves. He looked at my eyes and one was larger than the other. (Pop eyes are a big symptom of Graves) He asked if I had ever had my thyroid tested. I had not. It came back positive for Graves. That was over 17 years ago. I am on synthroid for life. I have to get it tested every six months to ensure my levels are good. Thyroid disease can really mess with you. If anyone out there suspects their thyroid is off, please get tested. You will feel so much better!

  5. Girlfriend, I am too darn lazy to do the chaffles but you did give me an amazing idea. I eat pancakes and sausage every morning and standing in front of the stove making them drives me insane. I’m just gonna throw the almond flour pancake batter into a waffle iron and do it that way. Excellent information in your videos. You always have a good message and good advise. You are amazing and how you are doing your channel is just fabulous. Down to earth and real as can be ❤️

  6. Hey Daniela I tried that link and it doesn't work. Get them coins honey congrats on your sponsorship. My mom's had thyroid surgery cause she had Thyroid cancer. Alot of those symptoms I have and never knew it could attribute to that. I have had it checked before but it's been a minute.

  7. i have a regular waffle maker and still bought a dash. the size makes a huge difference! regular is way too eggy becuase you need way more. (mine is Belgium so maybe thats why) that small one also perfect for sandwiches ect. making 2 out of 1 egg also makes its less eggy and more like a waffle.

  8. That first meal looks good!! Now I want to try it 😋”Chaffles “ Also does Bang breaks your fast? I love bang and I never counted it as breaking my fast 🤔🤷🏾‍♀️

  9. I didn't get this whole chaffle obsession either. I thought it was okay, but basically just a bland crispy omelet. But last night I made tacos for the fam and was like, "dammit I want some kind of shell, too!" Tired of taco salad. Lol. So I made a crazy chaffle. I mixed up 2 eggs, 2 tbsp of almond flour, 1 tbsp of shredded cheddar. Then I sprinkled in some garlic powder, cumin, cilantro, dash of cayenne pepper, a dash of 0 carb taco sauce, salt and pepper. I added a little bit of cheddar to the waffle maker, poured on the egg mixture, and then a little sprinkle of cheese on top. Was flipping amazing! Flavor bomb. More bread like, less eggy omelet. I put my taco meat and toppings on it. Omg. Looked like a tostada, but tasted like a beef and cheese stuffed sopapilla. Try it. Game changer.

    Gonna play with cream cheese and making a sweet sopapilla flavored version. Can't have honey, but maybe sugar free syrup. I have a large Belgian waffle maker, that's why I use 2 eggs and 2 tbsp of almond flour. For the dash mini just use 1 tbsp of almond flour and 1 egg. I may go buy the bowl waffle maker. I like the idea of taco bowls. Lol.

  10. Good morning darling! 🤗 I want to try the French toast casserole you made but I have to get someone to eat it with me🤔😂. I love that thing you put the tortillas in!! Well, you and your family have a great weekend. 🤗🤗 P.S I hate that I missed you live the other day🤦🏻‍♀️

  11. I had mine this way at first as well and I thought they were nasty! Now I use 1egg, 1/4 cup shredded cheese, 1 tbs almond flour and a bit of baking powder mix all together and let it fluff up for a minute before cooking and it’s super crispy and good and it has no eggy taste at all. 🙂

  12. The chaffle craze has been a game changer for me. No more salad wrap burgers for this girl. Making a couple of crispy chaffles and using them for a burger……I feel like I am cheating and while eating it, I bounce around doing my happy dance while eating it. Family just laughs at me. 😂😂😂
    You can add anything to a chaffle as well. The recipes are endless like the mug bread. 😉
    You made great choices Daniella.

  13. Good Morning! 🌞 I do believe one egg makes two chaffles. But damnnnnnnn that looks good girl! I could only find a pumpkin waffle maker so I got it 🙄 I do wanna get the smaller one those little things are good 😂

  14. Hi Daniela. I know you mentioned you still need to read up on what breaks your fast. I would say that if you are getting a blood sugar spike of any kind from consuming something, then it’s breaking the fast. I just did a video on the popular Keto energy drinks with blood tests to see how or if they cause a blood sugar spike. Check out my latest video. And I would suggest glucose testing the foods you think are okay during your fasting phase to see for yourself.

    Great vlog as always. Have a great day!

  15. I didn’t buy the dash either. I’ve been using my Mom’s old Waffle maker and it works just fine. I get one half of s full size waffle and a little more on the other side; like 2 rows maybe a little more. But if I’m eating a sandwich I just cut it in half. Also I cool mine on a rack so it’s not soggy on one side. ❤️🧚🏻‍♀️

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