1. Wow. This is a great idea! I can’t wait to try it. I love your channel- you’re so positive and uplifting, I look forward to every new upload. ❤️thank you.

  2. Schellea, 
    WOW………..I love this! For years I have been doing the skirt part with fabric and big scarfs! But I haven't ever tried the top section. 
    This gives me new ideas, my beautiful friend. You always share such fun things for us!
    Thank you XOXOX

  3. Perfect and I think like you say get material that fits your body. I think that more ladies could try this with just some tweaking for your figure and practice. even if you just wear it at home and do your hair and makeup… feel pretty 💞

  4. I don’t know if I like it or not. I can’t help but think it looks like you just grabbed a bed sheet and wrapped it around yourself 😂 but you look beautiful in anything 😁

  5. It looks gorgeous on you but if I wore that to the grocery store I would get captured and sent to the nursing home! ha ha no offense meant, you're a lovely lady. Your fashion might be ok in NYC but not in staid old New England.

  6. That’s okay by the pool, or in one’s garden, or over bathing suit… or just around the house in the morning while having coffee, etc. Way too much fabric for here in So Calif… too hot… one layer with a tie around the waistline is okay for our 90-110 degrees. One can tie a sarong as a strapless drape as well.

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