1. Hi, I'm 12 years old, and I aspire to be as great as you! I cannot currently do the splits but I just started training today. I've gotten pretty far, and I love listening to Steampunk Telegram on loop while stretching. I hope to join Cirque Du Soleil one day. Thank you for being so inspirational to me and other people to reach big goals! I hope to see Kurios someday, again thank you so much!

  2. As a personal trainer, I'm shocked to see CrossFit as part of your routines. I understand the benefits that can be found with proper applications but with two shows a day, five days a week, do you think CrossFit style workouts would overexert your body on top of what you're already doing? I only express this out of concern and interest of your opinions. Kudos Thomas!

  3. It was a really really interesting movie!! I have never seen such a back stage of Kurios. I'm going to watch your show next week. I cannot wait!! I love Kurios.

  4. Thank you Thomas! This is one of my favorites. You always motivate me to exercise and take care of myself. Exercise helps me physically as well as emotionally. Thanks again! God Bless and keep up the great work. 😉

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