1. im doing cardio but now my legs are getting very strong and my core is staying behind. Since im already working out i was looking for something short. Im a beginner and have no knowledge of exercising. Is this the right way to do it?

  2. 2 rounds 45/10 sec move 1st/2nd round
    @Plank & Reach
    @Plank & Side Step
    @Runner's Crunch(Situp with Alt Knee Tuck)
    @Seated Russian Twist
    @Side Plank Lift Hip

  3. annaaaaaa i love you so much!!! i see you and im so inspired..i already lost 10kgs and its all because of you!!continue to rock!! love your workouts so much!!!!

  4. Perfect timing, I was just thinking about finding a core workout for runners yesterday when I was out running! Love how easy these workouts are to follow. Anna continues to be fantastic 🙂

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