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  2. Excellent job you done from this video sanelia dear. I like yours 22 minutes abs workout very well. I appreciate your performance. Keep it up 👌👌

  3. It took me almost 5 months of a workout quite harder than this to see abs on my belly (real ones , not the ones you think you see back from the gym). You need a lot of willpower and motivation to excercise with a YouTube video for so many months, so good luck 😁

  4. I only want to lose weight in my stomach as lower back my question is did y’all lose weight in your stomach or in other places to

    Plz answer

    I’ll update you in a week it only been a day

  5. It would have been much better if I uncovered this “Yamzοkο Weebly” (Google it) a few years back. For 3 weeks of using the programs, I lose 12 pounds There is still need of physical exercises even just a couple of times a week and the foods to nibble on should be best. The outcome shown to me is remarkable. I absolutely encourage the product, hope it works as good for you since it does for me. .

  6. Okay so I just started today and yeah In the beginning it was hard but I started to like it it felt good ☺️ the exercises weren’t even that bad I’ll update in a few days but she really had me feeling good ❤️

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