1. This bike was easy to assemble.>>>ur2.pl/1144 I love that it folds up and I can move it from room to room if needed. This lets me get the exercise I need, in the comfort of my own home, whenever I want, wearing whatever I want! This is a great bike to begin with to see if you'll stick with it, rather than spending a bunch of money on a more expensive bike that only gets used for a month and then you quit! The seat is super comfortable. I can watch TV or read a book while I ride and Very satisfied

  2. hello @GCN –
    i'm a total n00b here and have been riding hard since spring, 5 mos with 4 weeks off to recover from a wee crash … anyway – i've acquired an indoor trainer but am not clear what's going on here.
    are you changing gears to match the decreased rpm … is there somewhere this is explained with text?
    in advance, many thanks!

  3. hi guys, your sessions are all great. if fits me well because of my limited time to be on my bike these days
    … just one question though: how often do i have to do each session in order to achieve best results?
    thank you and more power

  4. Hi GCN, thank you again for another great session! Simon, awesome job! Real quick ?, do you and the other riders hear the same music that we hear while you train or are you all on a different soundtrack altogether? Thanks again for all the great content GCN puts out regularly!

  5. HI, how is the effort level compared with the watts training zones (z1 z2 z3, etc..)? I always see that level meter on your videos but dont know how to find a correct equivalence to my training zones either the power or Heart rate.. Thanks! the videos look great!

  6. Guys, I'm a little confused with the scales here. SR talks about "back to threshold", yet it shows Effort=10.

    Surely Threhold=Z4=RPE8, and

    Maybe I'm missing something? Or can you explain how your Right Hand Effort bar graph corresponds to either Power Zones, or %FTP, please?

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