1. My abs are not coming to life make them, live menu slacking I keep watching you every day get abs stop flat and you got to come something better than this you if you keep slacking I'm going to stop watching you

  2. joined a gym 50 days ago, Still I only do chest , and biceps workout (Not even once Have I done legs or abs) ,Just do a front lat pulldown with the chest section
    My trainer says once you will get better with these he will teach me new exercises.
    The training plan is terrible so I thought of working other muscles out myself
    This channel is helpful

  3. So hard to get the form right for this one circuit… Damn! I think I just really have bad balance when keeping feet off the ground

  4. This vid was dope! Think you and I have some things in common. If you're down to join our community of dope up-and-coming YouTubers, just sub back and let's support each other to the top. Peace!

  5. Hey, I´m 14 years old and want to start getting more strenght and muscles. The problem is all these exercises really hurt my lower back. Is it okay if I work all of my body except my abs? Or could you maybe make one of these videos for the lower back? I do remember like 2 years ago our school doctor told me I didn´t have enough lower back muscle or something like that. Thanks, and by the way I really like your videos. 🙂

  6. Hi I have a bit of a problem and it would be great if you could respond to this comment. Basically, all I've ever worked out are my legs, and now I've they're quite muscular. However, my legs are alot heavier than my upper body and since I've never trained my abs, they are alot weaker then my lower body muscle and are unable to support my legs in leg lifts e.c.t. I've been doing ab workouts and have noticed more definition in upper abs, but I can't really improve my middle because most excises targeting lower abs are leg lifts and similar things like that which I can't do. Can you PLEASE make a lower ab workout video for people who can't do leg raises and need to build enough muscle first to do them? It would be a life saver!!

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